On the men's health and the impact of a large number of situations. Bad habits, bad environment, the use of a variety of drugs, unstable psycho-emotional environment – these are just a few of the factors that impact on the health of men. However, there are factors that affect the very difficult to, for example, if you want to change the environmentally troubled region to the larger. There are, however, circumstances may change, under the power of any man. Speaking of the food. After all for anybody not a secret that the products increase the strength, there are products aggravating erectile dysfunction. So, what should one eat to increase the efficiency of the men?

The food, by the power of the
Me for for male reproductive health should be varied and balanced (lean meats, fish, seafood, fruits, and vegetables). Men often want to know what to eat to increase efficiency?
The product increases the libido in men:
- mackerel;
- the liver;
- the greens;
- cottage cheese;
- Fig;
- of a lemon;
- apple;
- the fat content;
- radishes;
- carrots;
- The BlackBerry jam;
- of the mango.
With the right combination of these products in men's diets is a strong erection is guaranteed!
A couple of interesting products for men also apply to women. For example: strawberry, avocado, chocolate, ginger.
Recipe for men's health
Useful products for men's body in the home can be turned into a delicious dish. Foods to improve men's strength, as a rule, should not be to high. In essence, it is the food of natural origin with a high content of protein, vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial minerals.
The pasta with seafood
We all know that seafood is a powerful aphrodisiac. And, in combination with the pasta of durum wheat, which they make, is not only a fantastic meal, but the rush of male power.
A list of the ingredients:
- 400g seafood (shrimp, mussels, oysters);
- 250 g of cream
- 2 to 3 cloves of garlic;
- hard cheese;
- the green onion;
- the onion;
- the olive oil is.
- Cook the pasta, add the olive oil, in order to prevent this from occurring.
- Clean and cut the seafood.
- Fry in a frying pan first, with the garlic and the onion.
- Then, add the seafood, mix and simmer for 3-5 minutes.
- Add the green onions to evaporate the moisture, add the cream and seasonings, bring to a boil.
- The payment of the pasta, to seafood, to stir and to warm up.
- Sprinkle with the cheese.
Scrambled eggs with onions
This is a seemingly simple dish has a remarkable ability to improve erectile function. Regardless of how you are going to cook this dish. The main thing is that it was a chicken or a quail egg, and green onion.
A chocolate shake
Hot chocolate, without any additions, was always a treat to drink and increases libido. For the prevention of urologic diseases, and also to strengthen erections, men are encouraged daily to dissolve a slice of dark chocolate.
To prepare the cocktail you will need:
- 50 g of chocolate (75%);
- 0,5 glass of milk;
- A 70 ml capacity, natural coffee;
- 1 tsp sugar
- 3 Pcs cardamom;
- musk, sandalwood.
- To warm the milk.
- Add the sugar and chopped chocolate.
- The Banana grind in a blender.
- Make a mixture of coffee, banana, and chocolate milk.
- Season with the cardamom, and nutmeg.
- Beat until a homogeneous mass.
- Pour into a glass.
Drink this cocktail it is recommended that prior to the sexual activity. Since all the ingredients of the products to increase the efficiency. It has been shown that chocolate contributes to the arousal, and the more vivid it.
Of the products increase erectile function
The products, which will increase the strength of a man can be found in every kitchen. These are natural products that do not contain preservatives and dyes that do not contain large amounts of cholesterol, and a positive impact on the metabolism. That's all, bee products, beans, sea Kale, tomatoes. However, not all of the foods that increase the strength of the men, they immediately take action. These products are the following:
- cicurina (camel's stomach);
- oysters;
- berries (raspberries, blueberries);
- pumpkin seeds.
- Mare;
- tip of the tail.
By the way, the use of the tip of the tail has been known since ancient times. And she cooked the tail, and its seeds are a means of rapidly improving your erection.
The product reduces the potency
It is preferable for the power to understand. Now, however, you should consider the articles of the harm of sexual roles.
- Of the brew. One of the worst enemies of men's health. Common beer-drinking man threatens to increase the female hormones – estrogen.
- Sugar. When you exceed the daily norm of consumption of sweets (that's 6 teaspoons of sugar), it can be the face of a reduction in potency.
- Semi-finished products. Even a child knows about the dangers of instant noodles or meatballs, it is necessary to warm up. Such a food is detrimental to the health of men in General, and energy in particular.
- The TRANS fats. Cheap, solid, of oil, of which it has a significant negative impact on the health of men. In mayonnaise, potato chips, popcorn, industrial pastries.
What is the impact of vegetarianism on a raised to the power of

Vegetarianism is the refusal of meat food of animal origin. The people for whom a vegetarian diet is the norm – there are very a lot of. It is often said that giving up meat has had a positive impact on their health and their sex lives. But is it really?
Vegetarian diet to improve the potency in men – fact or fiction? After all, from a medical point of view, the lack of animal fats has a negative impact on the production of the testosterone. This hormone, which is known to be responsible for the functioning of the male reproductive system. In addition to this, the meat is a unique, essential amino acids.
In fact, the discussion on the topic of vegetarian diet, do not go away. The proponents and opponents to argue their position and pretty confident. Not to take sides, even though the selection (which was a good thing, for potency) will remain for all of them. Still, being a vegetarian is not the worst than can be carried away by the modern man.